Monday, May 27, 2013


Sorry it's been a while since I updated! Just been really busy (and really tired!)

Hailey and I haven't been doing much of anything interesting... well, we went to the pool a couple times, and we went to the zoo again! We made new friends - Hope, and her daughter Juliet.

We've just basically been hanging out at home, occasionally going out for lunch/dinner, and seeing our friends Kati, Addie and Harper.

I got some work done on my car last week. New brakes, new tires, and I'm waiting for my new oil dipstick to come in so I can get that replaced and get an oil change. Oh, and I shattered the screen on my phone. So I'm waiting for Best Buy to call me and tell me that my new one came in.

Hailey stacked her rings all by herself for the first time the other day! Now she does it nonstop, and she's getting better! 

We got bubbles in a goodie bag at Addie's birthday party. She loved them!

This snow leopard just had a baby on Monday. I was hoping we'd be able to see it, but she kept it hidden :(

This one giraffe just kept licking the wall. It was so weird!

She was having so much fun splashing!

More splashes.

She got so brave in the pool today! Normally she's afraid of walking around, and tries to just cling to my leg, but today she was going everywhere! She liked being in the "deep" end so much!

And then she learned to climb out of the pool at the shallow end. 

Trying to drink the water like a dog.

More splashes!

Playing with a ball.

And I got new diapers! The bottom left is mint green, I'm not sure why it looks white. But I'm hoping these will solve our ammonia problem, since they're brand new! Hailey is wearing the brown one tonight. Fingers crossed she doesn't wake up with a rashy butt!

I have a couple videos to upload from the pool, too. But my phone is almost dead, so I will upload those tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A trip to the zoo! (and more)

Yesterday, Hailey had her first trip to the zoo! It was so much fun. A lot of walking (most of it uphill) but it was worth it. She absolutely loved watching the fish that were in the grizzly bear exhibit, and she was terrified of the orangutans.

Tomorrow, I have my first "centering pregnancy" appointment!

Oh, and Hailey got her first scrape today. We were at a friend's house, and she was playing on their patio, and she tripped over her own feet and scraped her thumb and ring finger on one hand. She bumped her head too, but she was okay after a few mom cuddles and some milk.

Today also makes 2 weeks since daddy left. 2 down, x more to go!

Pancakes for the first time! She loved them :)

The giraffe exhibit is SO awesome. It's set up so the giraffes' heads are at your level. And you can feed them! 

These elephants were like, growling at a rhino in the cage next to them. I thought they were going to like, charge... it was scary, but really cool!

This (I think) chimpanzee had her baby with her... watching them together was seriously the cutest thing ever.

Here's the orangutan that Hailey was terrified of.

Her first scrape.

Hanging out with Goober.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

One week down.

Josh has been gone for a week and a couple days now. Hailey and I have been (kind of) keeping busy, but not as much as I'd like.

On Tuesday, we had our first ultrasound!

My due date got changed from November 28th to November 25th. Starting on the 15th, I'll be going to appointments at Fort Carson called "Centering Pregnancy." Basically, they're big group appointments. Everyone due in the same month meets together at once, for two hours at a time. We all talk and ask questions and stuff, and then one by one we go see the midwife and have our vitals checked and all of that. I figured I'd give it a shot. If I don't like the appointments, I can always opt out of them.

Yesterday, we sent Josh his first care package! Hopefully he'll be getting it by the end of next week. I don't really know how long it takes for mail to get from here to there.

Today, we went to a military moms meet-up at a local cloth diaper store. It was just me and two other women, but it was okay. Hailey had fun playing with their two boys. 

Hailey didn't want to have snack time in her high chair today. So we improvised.

(Don't mind the green tint. My phone case made the flash look funny.)

She likes the dog's bed more than he does, I think.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


I just realized that there's something I haven't brought up on this blog yet.

Hailey is going to be a big sister! Yay! I'm about 10 weeks along, and as of right now, the due date is November 28th. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday though, and the date might change.

When I was about 5 weeks, Josh and I went to the ER with suspected complications, and after some tests, we were assured that everything was alright. Over the past week, these suspected complications resurfaced and made me uncomfortable. So after several days of contemplation, I took myself to the ER today. And again, everything is alright. They drew some blood, and I even got a quick little ultrasound! Got to see little Shrimpy and his/her heartbeat as well. I was told that what I thought was a complication is actually quite common in early pregnancy.

After we got home from the ER, Hailey and I played and watched TV all day. It was a lazy day for us. I managed to get some laundry and a little cleaning done, but not too much, because she wouldn't take a nap. 

Tomorrow, we are going shopping to get things for Daddy's first care package, and we will be sending that out :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Josh has been gone for a few days now. He left early Tuesday morning. Hailey and I have been trying to keep ourselves as busy as possible since then.

After we left the airport on Tuesday, I went grocery shopping. It was probably the quickest, cheapest, easiest shopping trip ever! I was in and out in less than 45 minutes, and I spent about half of what I normally do.

Wednesday, we just kind of hung out at home all day. Then, on Thursday, Abbey spent the night! We had Chick-fil-A for dinner, and just watched TV all night.

Yesterday, Hailey and I went to hang out with Kati, Addie, and Harper. Hailey and Addie have so much fun together now that they can both run around everywhere.

We hung out with them again today, since her husband was working and she didn't have anything else to do. We went to Costo, my first time there, and holy crap - I need a membership. That place is awesome! They have literally everything you could ever need all in one place. I got Hailey a few new outfits. And Kati and I bought a big jar of coconut oil to split! I've wanted some for SO long, and I finally got it.

After we left Costco, we got lunch at Panera, and then headed downtown to go check out the CJ's Boutique store. And oh my gosh. It was like, heaven. They have SO MANY SCENTS. I wanted one of everything. But I ended up only getting 3 things - a new bottle of butt spray, a bottle of a concentrated all purpose cleaner, and a chapstick.

Our wifi went out yesterday, and I've been trying to get it to work (with the help of Josh and a friend) with no success. The internet works if I'm plugged in, but not the wifi. Hopefully we can fix that soon.